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a sheikh seen on the wall |
The strange occurrence has turned the serene Owode Onirin area into a Makkah of sorts as people thronged the area not only to see but to also offer some prayers. Right inside the mosque, people were seen holding bottles/satchets of water muttering prayers and shouting Allahu Akbar (God is great). Some were even seen bowing to the image.
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crowd at the mosque where a sheikh was seen to appear on the wall |
I don't understand Man's incessant need to associate Divinity to anything and everything.
The Basic message of all Abrahamic religion is worship God and God Alone !!!!
Everyone will follow what you used to worship on the day of Judgement be it the Sun, Jesus, Muhammad (PBUH), Rock etc
Ascribing divinity to Idols,the Sun or Moon, water or thunder or even Man either alive or have passed away and are in their graves is absolute Shirk.
There has been people who are better and more righteous that have come and gone before these saints .
Muhammad is not but a messenger. [Other] messengers have passed on before him. So if he was to die or be killed, would you turn back on your heels [to unbelief]? And he who turns back on his heels will never harm Allah at all; but Allah will reward the grateful. Q3:144
In "The Criterion Between Allies of the Merciful & The Allies of the Devil" by Ibn Taymiyyah page 60 Translated by Salim Abdallah ibn Morgan, he wrote:
"The early generations of this nation, its scholars, and all allies of Allah all agree that the prophets are superior to the allies of Allah who are not prophets. Allah has put his righteous slaves upon whom He has bestowed his grace in four levels, saying:
“Whoever obeys Allah and the Prophet, these are the ones upon whom Allah has bestowed His grace among the prophets, the ever-believing ever-truthful, the martyrs, and the doers of good, and these are the best of company.” Qur'an 4:69
EVEN ABU BAKR, may Allah be please with him, is BETTER OFF than ANY SAINT of any kind, SUBHAANALLAH! can you see that in the hadith below?
"The sun has neither risen nor set on anyone after the prophets and the messengers better than Abu Bakr."
The best of the nations is the nation of Muhammad (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam), as Allah said:
“You are the best nation brought forth for the people.” Qur'an 3:10
“And then, we passed the book on to those whom we selected from among our slaves.” Qur'an 25:32
The Prophet said, in a hadith found in the collection of Ahmad:
"You are the completion of seventy nations, of which you are the best, and the most elevated in the sight of Allah."
Furthermore, the best of the nation of Muhammad are the first generation. This is confirmed in the hadith found in both Muslim and Bukhari and other collections and which has been narrated by many different routes, in which the Prophet said:
"The best generation of all is the one in which I was sent. This is followed by the one after that, and then the one after that."
The forerunners, the early ones among the Migrants and the Helpers are superior to the rest of the companions. Allah said:
“Those of you who gave before the victory and fought are not the same as those who gave after that and fought. The first ones are greater in rank, and to both Allah has promised a good reward.” Qur'an 50:10
“And the forerunners, the early ones among the Migrants and the Helpers, and those who followed them in a goodly fashion, Allah is pleased with them and they are pleased with Allah.” Qur'an 9:100
Bowing to anything be it a prophet, an angel, a righteous person, a rock, etc is unlawful in Islam. It is shirk and anyone who dies doing this is a kaafir. May Allah save us all from the plots of Shaytoon.
And indeed, This garbage happens when Muslims know nothing of their religion. If at all they saw something, then it's Jinns.
A dead person can never come back to life (until resurrection), but it is possible the jinn(qareen) takes his shape to deceive and mislead people.
I remember the story of Imam Ibn Taymiyyah that one of his students said he had problem in Damascus while Sheikh was in Saudi, he called Sheikh and he appeared to him and solved his problem. When he narrated the story to Imam Ibn Taymiyyah on his return to Damsacus, Imam told him it was not him he saw, Jinn must have taken his form to deceive him.
Please read the below from ibn tamiyyah's essay on the Jinn. Take note of the bolded.
Those involved in incantations and oaths often swear by some devils to help them against others. Sometimes the evil JINN fulfill their request but frequently they do not, especially when the JINN against whom help is sought is honored among them. Neither the one chanting incantations nor his incantations have any power to force the devils to help them. The reciter of incantations earnestly entreats a being whom he considered great - which may or may not be the case - to harm others who may conceivably be greater. In the case where someone entreats the JINN to harm someone whom the JINN hold in high esteem, they will ignore him. In fact, it may prevent them from even responding at all. Their situations is quite similar to that of humans except that human beings are generally more intelligent,truthful, just and trustworthy while the JINN tend to be ignorant, untruthful, oppressive and treacherous.
The point is that though the oaths and incantations of devil-worshippers may contain statements of idolatry and disbelief, they are frequently ineffective against the JINN. When requested to kill or apprehend another JINN who has possessed a human, the JINN will often mock those who make the request by falsely giving them the impression that they killed or detained the offending JINN. This is especially so in cases where humans believe in the illusions created by the JINN. The JINN usually communicate by either visions or voices
"The gleaning of hidden information by way of visions and voices has been well documented among clairvoyants and mediums. 'A medium' may be defined as a person through whose agency or through whose organism there are received communications ostensibly from deceased human beings or other discarnate or remote entities. In what is called 'clairvoyant mediumship' -now popularly known as channelling- the medium 'sees' or 'hears' the deceased friends and relatives of persons present and relays messages from them.
Generally speaking, the experiences concerned seem not to have the distinctness of ordinary perception but are rather a seeing or hearing 'in the mind's eye' or ear. Sometimes, however, the figures seen or voices heard may attain as hallucinatory vividness; the medium's experience then resembles that of one who witnesses an apparition." (Benjamin B. Wolman. ed., Handbook of Parapsychology, New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1977, pp, 579-580)] with those seeking information among the idol-worshippers, Christians, Jews, and heretical Muslims driven astray by the devils. JINNS may take the form of a live picture portraying whatever the sorcerers and fortunetellers wish to know about. When these deviants see the image of what they sought, they then inform other humans about it. Some of them may know that the image is actually an illusion, while others may be deluded into believing that they are actually wintessing the real scene. JINNS may also make humans hear the voice of those whom they call upon who are far away. Such cases are frequent among idolaters, Christians, Jews and ignorant Muslims who seek refuge in those whom they consider holy. When some devotees call on their spiritual masters for help saying, "Oh my Lord so and so!" the JINN will address them in the voice of their masters. When the masters answer their request, the JINN, in turn, answer the devotees in the masters' voice. This has happened to many people some of whom are known to me. The devils will often respond while talking the form of the one besought, whether dead or alive, even if he is unaware of those who call on him. Those committing Shirk in this fashion believe that the person beseeched has actually replied when in fact it is the JINN replying. This frequently happens to Christians who call on those whom they edify, whether dead or alive, like George or other holy figures
[ROME, Feb 24 1989 (AFP) - A retired Italian roadman Renato Baron claims that he has been seeing and talking to the Virgin Mary for nearly three years now. Visions by Baron and about THIRTY others have attracted tens of thousands of people from Italy, France, Belgium, and West Germany to a hill near Venice, causing huge traffic jams.
A dead person can never come back to life (until resurrection), but it is possible the jinn(qareen) takes his shape to deceive and mislead people.
I remember the story of Imam Ibn Taymiyyah that one of his students said he had problem in Damascus while Sheikh was in Saudi, he called Sheikh and he appeared to him and solved his problem. When he narrated the story to Imam Ibn Taymiyyah on his return to Damsacus, Imam told him it was not him he saw, Jinn must have taken his form to deceive him.
Please read the below from ibn tamiyyah's essay on the Jinn. Take note of the bolded.
Those involved in incantations and oaths often swear by some devils to help them against others. Sometimes the evil JINN fulfill their request but frequently they do not, especially when the JINN against whom help is sought is honored among them. Neither the one chanting incantations nor his incantations have any power to force the devils to help them. The reciter of incantations earnestly entreats a being whom he considered great - which may or may not be the case - to harm others who may conceivably be greater. In the case where someone entreats the JINN to harm someone whom the JINN hold in high esteem, they will ignore him. In fact, it may prevent them from even responding at all. Their situations is quite similar to that of humans except that human beings are generally more intelligent,truthful, just and trustworthy while the JINN tend to be ignorant, untruthful, oppressive and treacherous.
The point is that though the oaths and incantations of devil-worshippers may contain statements of idolatry and disbelief, they are frequently ineffective against the JINN. When requested to kill or apprehend another JINN who has possessed a human, the JINN will often mock those who make the request by falsely giving them the impression that they killed or detained the offending JINN. This is especially so in cases where humans believe in the illusions created by the JINN. The JINN usually communicate by either visions or voices
"The gleaning of hidden information by way of visions and voices has been well documented among clairvoyants and mediums. 'A medium' may be defined as a person through whose agency or through whose organism there are received communications ostensibly from deceased human beings or other discarnate or remote entities. In what is called 'clairvoyant mediumship' -now popularly known as channelling- the medium 'sees' or 'hears' the deceased friends and relatives of persons present and relays messages from them.
Generally speaking, the experiences concerned seem not to have the distinctness of ordinary perception but are rather a seeing or hearing 'in the mind's eye' or ear. Sometimes, however, the figures seen or voices heard may attain as hallucinatory vividness; the medium's experience then resembles that of one who witnesses an apparition." (Benjamin B. Wolman. ed., Handbook of Parapsychology, New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1977, pp, 579-580)] with those seeking information among the idol-worshippers, Christians, Jews, and heretical Muslims driven astray by the devils. JINNS may take the form of a live picture portraying whatever the sorcerers and fortunetellers wish to know about. When these deviants see the image of what they sought, they then inform other humans about it. Some of them may know that the image is actually an illusion, while others may be deluded into believing that they are actually wintessing the real scene. JINNS may also make humans hear the voice of those whom they call upon who are far away. Such cases are frequent among idolaters, Christians, Jews and ignorant Muslims who seek refuge in those whom they consider holy. When some devotees call on their spiritual masters for help saying, "Oh my Lord so and so!" the JINN will address them in the voice of their masters. When the masters answer their request, the JINN, in turn, answer the devotees in the masters' voice. This has happened to many people some of whom are known to me. The devils will often respond while talking the form of the one besought, whether dead or alive, even if he is unaware of those who call on him. Those committing Shirk in this fashion believe that the person beseeched has actually replied when in fact it is the JINN replying. This frequently happens to Christians who call on those whom they edify, whether dead or alive, like George or other holy figures
[ROME, Feb 24 1989 (AFP) - A retired Italian roadman Renato Baron claims that he has been seeing and talking to the Virgin Mary for nearly three years now. Visions by Baron and about THIRTY others have attracted tens of thousands of people from Italy, France, Belgium, and West Germany to a hill near Venice, causing huge traffic jams.
JINNS may take the form of a live picture portraying whatever the sorcerers and fortunetellers wish to know about. When these deviants see the image of what they sought, they then inform other humans about it. Some of them may know that the image is actually an illusion, while others may be deluded into believing that they are actually witnessing the real scene.
Muhammad is not but a messenger. [Other] messengers have passed on before him. So if he was to die or be killed, would you turn back on your heels [to unbelief]? And he who turns back on his heels will never harm Allah at all; but Allah will reward the grateful. Q3:144
May Allah keep us on the straight path
YOU NEED TO READ THIS TOO: His eyes become blurry and he was shaking with sweat...
Constructive criticisms are highly welcome.
1 comment:
My Brother may Allaah save us from delibrate ignorance. The same event is taken place in Maje, Niger state. A woman was said to have claimed that the images of some Sheikhs are appearing on the walls in her house and place has become same episode as you rightly descriped in this informative article.
At Maje, my host even informed us that the woman is being given gifts and she is now wearing white clothes only!
Until we muslims of today go back practicing Islam with the knowledge and documented teachings of Islam; we would continue to be worldily seekers and easy preys of satanic deceits.
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