Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Mankind, an amazing creature

Man is very impatient in nature and is highly inclined towards corruption. He is also very fretful when evil touches him. He worries a lot during this time and even becomes ungrateful. He blames his head, the people around him and even his God. Mankind!

See mankind, when he is blessed, he is stingy with the blessings of God. He begins to emanate greedy impatience and unrestrained cowardice. He roars: "I am blessed because of my knowledge!". Ah, Mankind!

Except those who are devoted to solah.
Yes, they are mankind too, but they are exempted from the blameworthy characteristics of mankind because they perform solah. They remain steadfast in their prayer. They guard its times and the elements obligatory in it. They are calm in every posture of their prayers - while standing, bowing, prostrating, and sitting. They are just consistent. The Qur'aan refers to them as "Daaimuun", meaning "still", "stillness of posture".

They also share their wealth accordingly.
They extend their good hands to the less privileged, to the deprived, to those who ask and to those who are in need but cannot ask (due to shyness or other reasons).

They also believe in the day of recompense.
Those who believe in the day of resurrection are also exempted from the evil mankind. Their belief leads them to do good for they fear the day of reckoning. They fear the displeasure and torment of their lord.
For verily, the torment of their Lord is that before which none can feel secure.

And then, mankind is cruel. He's callous and self-centered, always wanting all goods for himself. He doesn't care what becomes of his brother. And as for his brother, hmm, also a kind of mankind - ontological specimen of identical plumage, he invariably congregates to the closest proximity. 'Oma she o'! Birds of a feather flock together!. 

Mankind do not guard his tongue from slandering and backbiting. He doesn't even give a damn about chastity and he makes fornication and adultery the order of the day.

No wonder a subset of mankind is praised and venerated. They are those who guard their private part and prevent it from being used except with their wives and those whom their right hands possess. Those who go beyond these are the trespassers, the transgressors.

And those who keep their trusts and covenants. They neither deceive people nor break their promises. When they speak, they are truthful. When they promise, they fulfill their promises. When they are given a trust, they are forthright. And when they argue, they are respectful. They do not lie. they do not break promise, they do not stab in the back and they do not abuse. These are mankind, the special ones, the strangers.

And those who stand firm in their testimonies. They do not conceal it, they do not decrease it neither do they add to it. They also do not give false testimonies. They just stand firm on it. 

And those who guard the sacredness of their worship. They maintain its proper times, its obligations, its recommendations and its pillars. They are not lazy to wake up for prayer at night and they do not seek the people to see them while praying. they keep to time and only seek the favour of their lord . They perform solah!

Oh great subset of mankind, they are indeed the inheritors who shall inherit the paradise. They shall dwell therein forever and honoured with various type of pleasures and delights. They shall the face of their lord - how exactly God looks like!

Then what is wrong with the disbeliever that he runs away from admonition!😔

O lord, make us better people and guide us aright.

The End


Mankind, an amazing creature

Man is very impatient in nature and is highly inclined towards corruption. He is also very fretful when evil touches him. He worries a lot ...